Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rugby and Politics



Why would those two words ever be seen together? They shouldn't! However here in the great land of sunny South Africa you cant seem to seperate them.

The use of rugby as a cohesive tool to help mend a broken country, joining all under one flag has been examined and discussed at length, the fact of the matter is that rugby can and is used as a political tool. I dont seem to mind when the tool is used with out interfernece with its mechanisms but let me explain.

When Nelson used the Afrikaaners passion for rugby to create a common ground to show unity, to appeal to their hearts, thats clever and thats politics.

When the politicians ride on the backs of a rugby victory, 1995, 2007 world cup, thats ok, its great advertising and great use of a national resource.

However the use and abuse of rugby by administrator and politicians is killing the game I love, and that isn't ok with me. When half wits, Butana Komphela, use rugby to get there names in the paper (we will take away their passports, sprinbok emblem is a swastika,) it messes with the players minds, unsettles supporters and creates negativity of various forms.

When politicians use the rugby entity to maniplulate situations to further their own agendas, it should be seen and acknowledge as an abuse of their position and not tollerated.

There are HUGE problems is so many aspects of this country, there are huge problems with our sports, from olympics, to soccer and rugby. I see them, others see them, the country cry out for our leaders to try and solve them, and yet they dont.

We need change.

Not in emblems but in action.

Butana, be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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